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Immigrants who move to a new country are generally very keen to embrace the language and culture of their new home. In many cases, the move is made to ensure that their children are given more opportunities for the future, and the feeling here is that immersing the kids in the new culture is the way to go. While it is certainly important that a child moving to the US learns to speak English, the education system can take care of that. It’s also nice that your kids know about their heritage, which is why teaching them your native language is such a good idea.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”299″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Teaching a foreign language is not as difficult as you might imagine, especially if you get started early. Children are like little sponges when it comes to learning new things. This is why you will often see parents start the second language process while their little ones are still toddlers. You already know how to speak in your native tongue, so get in the habit of using your own language around your kids as much as you possibly can. They will quickly start to pick up the basics of the language, after which you can employ some methods to teach them the more complex parts of your native tongue.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][the_ad_group id=”36″][vc_separator][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]When you are teaching toddlers a second language, it all begins with the basic, which includes teaching them things like numbers and colors in your native tongue. The internet can be your friend here, too, as it should be easy to find videos and lessons that can help with the learning process. If you are watching shows and movies online that are in your native tongue, have your kids watch, too. Watching with English subtitles may also help them match words and actions. Many people are visual learners, and this little trick can prove to be very effective for those kids.
Teaching a foreign language is about more than just having your kids repeat words and phrases; they also need to be in situations where they can actually use what they have learned. Look for places in your community where people from your native country may meet, especially if it is in situations where other kids are present. Allow your little ones to mix and converse with others who speak the language you are trying to teach them, as they may pick up a lot more in those situations than you alone can pass along.
Being bilingual will create countless opportunities for you children later in life, both educational and potentially for their careers. It has long since been proven that teaching a second language is easier when you start with students at an early age. It certainly helps speed up the process when you speak that language and use it around your children at every opportunity. The language will become second nature, while the English lessons that need to be learned can come via school and other environments.[/vc_column_text][the_ad_group id=”36″][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]